This short phrase, "va-yidom Aharon" stood out to me this year, too. I can't help but view from a trauma-informed lens. Aaron's silence feels to me a very appropriate human response to this traumatic event. His sons have just perished at the apparent hand of god. And frankly, how else could he respond in this immediacy of the event to Moses' quick desire to offer explanation (platitude?)

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I absolutely agree, Rhoda. After such tragedy, all we can do is be present and hold each other. Save the words for a later time. Shabbat shalom

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gam l'cha

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I so enjoy and appreciate the work you put into your material. Do you ever record it to be enjoyed audibly?

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Thanks so much, Howard! I have not recorded but I just saw that feature so perhaps I will try to do it in the future!

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