Dear friends,
This has been quite a week. From the highs and celebration of Yom Kippur to the lows and mourning of a full year since October 7th. Throughout our lives we are often forced to hold two entirely contradictory ideas at the exact same time. And tomorrow we’ll do it again, standing in the balance on our day of Atonement, trying to understand where we’ve been and where we hope to go. I wanted to share a few things with you to help orient us and set an intention for this day.
First, I wanted to share my sermons from Rosh Hashanah with you in written and video format. On Day 1 I spoke about Radical Presence, and on Day 2 I spoke about Israel, Hope, and Courage. I invite you to print them out if you need some Yom Kippur reading.
I also wanted to re-share with you my High Holiday praylist, with some of the tunes that have been most meaningful and iconic for me for the High Holidays
And finally, Yom Kippur in the Bible is referred to as Shabbat Shabbaton, our holiest of holy Shabbats. As we make our way towards this holiest Shabbat that also happens to fall on Shabbat this year, I wanted to share with you a preview mix of my new melody for Yom Shabbaton, one of my absolute favorite Shabbat Zemirot. I wrote this melody for my daughter Jona, and the chorus shouts out “Yona! Yona! Matza vo mano’ach, v’sham yanuchu yegi’ei koach” - The dove found a place to rest, and there all weary travelers may rest as well. This place referred to in the song is not a physically place, but rather - Shabbat. Shabbat is the Holy Palace in Time where all weary travelers may rest. We have had quite a year and we are all deserving of some rest. On this Shabbat Shabbaton, I hope we all find rest, rejuvenation, and courage to start anew.
G’mar Chatimah Tovah,