Ready to Sing
Beshalach 5784 - When the spirit moves us to open up our souls and voices to sing, how much more meaningful and powerful it is.
Rabbis Deborah Sacks Mintz and Josh Warshawsky sing Yishai Ribo (one of my favorite Israeli artists)’s “Halev Sheli”
Where Have I Been?
Good morning, everyone. It’s been a while. I last shared a letter with you back in November 2023. I took a pause from writing for a variety of reasons. First, I took on a new role as the rabbi at Congregation Agudas Achim, my home synagogue in Columbus, OH. We have been working to create the community I dream of and have been talking about in my work traveling to synagogues all over - one that is filled up with warmth, song, community, and Torah. It’s been a beautiful adventure so far. And equally as important, I took a little time to focus on my family - we just had a baby!
Ziv Ari was born on December 6th, 2023. Ziv came into this world at a very dark time of year and for the Jewish people. Two months after October 7th into a changed world for Israel and for Jews all over. It was also the night before Chanukah. Ziv means radiance or spark, and at his Brit naming ceremony we told him:
“We know that the only way to banish darkness is with more light. The only way to counter hate is with more love. Every day, we promise to help you remember that you have Ziv Hashechinah, a spark of holiness within you. The name Ziv comes from our liturgy, and like we sing about in our prayers, we are so filled up with joy and love and warmth by your presence - you fill up our souls. We hope that you always feel that light and love radiate back to you.”
It has been a beautiful adventure as well. Big sister Jona has really taken to him - she loves when he sneezes (“Achoo Zivi!”).
Where I Am Now.
Though it has been a very special two months, like so many of you I am feeling drained, depleted, lost, and uninspired. My guitar sat untouched in its case since Chanukah six weeks ago. And then this week I was sitting with Ziv and he was crying (I imagine also feeling drained, depleted, lost, and uninspired) and I decided to pull out my guitar and sing to him. To my surprise, he immediately stopped crying, and after a few minutes began to coo and try to sing along with me as well. I felt refreshed and inspired and more like myself than I had felt in weeks - the beginnings of two new melodies even came bursting out in that moment.
In this week’s parsha, Beshalach, we see the Israelites singing the Song of the Sea as they cross to freedom. Reb Dovid of Kotzk teaches that when Israel crossed the sea, the angels came to sing songs before the Holy One. And the Holy One said to them, “No! My children will sing songs first,” Which is why it is written, “So Moses will sing”. And why did Israel merit this first priority placement? Because the angels are, always and at all times, ready to sing before God, which is not true of the people of Israel, who are only able to sing out when they are really and truly moved to do so, and so the Holy One made sure to prioritize their singing first lest the hour of their excitement and elation and desire to sing pass them by.
Humans are thinking and feeling imperfect beings. We are not like the angels who are always ready to sing. We hurt, we are in pain, we suffer, and sometimes we can’t bring ourselves into the moment to express it and sing it out. But then when the spirit moves us to open up our souls and voices to sing how much more meaningful and powerful it is. It takes our breath away - we get carried away in it. That’s how it felt singing with my new son. Exhilarating and alive.
Where Am I Going?
To that end, I am also so excited to share that I am hitting the road again in February, and feel very fortunate to be gathering to sing and pray together with wonderful communities over the next few weeks. Please join me if you are nearby! And please keep in touch - I miss our connection and am excited to reconnect and re-engage.
This weekend January 27th-28th at Temple Beth El in Boca Raton, FL
Feb. 1st-2nd at Congragation Anshai Israel in Tucson, AZ
Feb. 16th-17th at Congregation B’nai Amoona in St. Louis, MO
February 18th-20th at Songleader Boot Camp in St. Louis!
And check out my website for the rest of my Winter and Spring 2024 Dates
For this week, a song about our hearts splitting open like the sea, looking up to the Holy One to heal our hearts, to turn us from mourning to dancing, to sing out our strength.
Shabbat Shalom and hope to see you soon,
Excellent! Thanks for sharing your heart, as always