A Year Of Music, Friends, and Blessings
Chaverai Nevarech: Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes: The making of "Chaverai Nevarech"
Friends, Let Us Bless.
Dear Friends,
A full year has passed since we gathered together at the Pico Union Project in Los Angeles to record Chaverai Nevarech. This music means so much to me, and, with the help of so many of you, I am incredibly proud of what we were able to create. Over the past year, I've traveled to 27 synagogues, colleges, and day schools across the country, from Greensboro, NC and Omaha, Nebraska to Philadphia, PA and Chicago, IL.
After such an incredible year, I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for bringing me to your communities. Thank you for singing and praying with me. Thank you for exploring and developing how we prayer and how we gather. Thank you for singing this music.
As a thank you, please enjoy this highlight video from the making of Chaverai Nevarech.
My tour dates for the summer are now up on my website. Hope to see you and sing with you! As I continue to do this work, I would love to hear from you if you have ideas or thoughts about this music, prayer, and more. Please be in touch.
Looking forward to more music and community building next year and into the future!
Chodesh Tov (A good new month),