Va'ani Tefilati - Yael Bettenhausen and Rabbi Josh Warshawsky
The "I" in Team
Va'ani Tefilati - Yael Bettenhausen, Rabbi Josh Warshawsky,
And the Chaverai Nevarech Band
We're making our way through the month of Elul and inching closer to the High Holidays. Every day during this forty day period, we're supposed to hear the call of the shofar and wake ourselves up, trying to look back on our actions over the past year and figure out how we can be the best version of ourselves in the year to come. This work and introspection needs to be done globally, nationally, communally, and individually. Each one of those aspects is difficult in its own right, but none of it can begin without focusing on the individual.
I believe in the power of the words of our tradition and what they have to say to us today and every day. They are here to inspire us, motivate us, and guide us. The order of the service is intentional, and is ordered to set us up for success and focus. This is why the first words we say when we enter into a sanctuary or place of prayer are "Mah tovu ohalecha," "How good are your tents"... how awesome is it to gather in these spaces? At the end of the Mah Tovu prayer there is an utterly beautiful phrase that we also add to the Torah service on holidays:
וַאֲנִי תְפִלָּתִי לְךָ ה׳ עֵת רָצוֹן
אֱלֹקִים בְּרָב חַסְדֶּךָ עֲנֵנִי בֶּאֱמֶת יִשְׁעֶךָ
Va’ani Tefilati lecha Adonai eit ratzon
Elohim b’rov chasdecha, Aneini b’emet yish’echa
And I, I am a prayer to you, Holy One, in this time of need.
In your infinite kindness and grace, answer me with the truth of expansiveness.
When we sing these words with this particular melody, we start with that first word Va'ani - And I, twice. And I, I am a prayer. What does it mean for me to be a prayer? When I walk into this space, who is the I that is entering here today? That answer is different every time we say these words. Who is the Ani (I) that I am right now, and who is the Ani (I) I want to be when I exit this space? Who is the Ani (I) need to be this year? We call out and search the expanse, knowing that there are infinite possibilities for response. Who do I want to be? Can I choose kindness, grace, and goodness this year? We take a step forward in prayer and community and ask God to help us find the way.
These are the questions that I'm thinking about today and trying to figure out how to answer. I would love to hear what questions and thoughts are on your minds this year too. Hit reply, press play on the video, and jot out some thoughts as you listen. May this be a productive time of growth for each of us.
Shanah Tovah,
Did you miss our past videos in this series?
Shuvah - Rabbi Josh Warshawsky and the Chaverai Nevarech Band
Hayom Harat Olam - Rabbi Josh Warshawsky and the Chaverai Nevarech Band
Click to get ready for the High Holidays with The Praylist on Spotify!