To sing sweet songs: Lechu Neranenah and Craig Taubman
Lechu Neranenah
Lechu Neranenah - Click to Watch!
Rabbi Josh Warshawsky and the Chaverai Nevarech Band
Guest Teachers!
As we spotlight each of the melodies, I invite you to learn from the words of some of my teachers and mentors throughout the years. I am only where I am today because of the help and guidance I have received from them. They have supported me - offered advice, honest critique, suggestions, wisdom, and Torah. I asked a few of my teachers if they would be willing to share words of Torah and Kavanah (intention) about the music and the texts from Chaverai Nevarech Vol. II. A short bio will follow each post. Thank you to my teachers - you have made me who I am!
Rav Todot (much gratitude) and Shabbat Shalom,
To Sing Sweet Sings by Craig Taubman
Kabbalat Shabbat, the Friday evening service welcoming the Sabbath begins with Psalm 95.
Draw close, let’s sing to Adonai!
Shout joyfully to the one who protects us
Let’s come with thanksgiving;
And make a joyful noise with psalms
The first time I heard this Psalm was the summer of 1969 at Camp Ramah in Ojai California. I had no idea of the psalm’s literal translation, but deeply felt the message of joy. Four weeks into summer, I led Shabbat services for the entire camp. I still had little understanding of the words I was chanting, but perhaps for the first time heard a deep calling to sing sweet songs.
I don’t know when Josh first heard his calling to sing sweet songs, yet listening to Lechu Neranenah, I cannot help but feel the joy of his opening beat and invitation of “naria” - to shout for joy.
Rabbi Yehuda HeChasid wrote “I sing and weave sweet songs because my soul yearns for You.” Such is the power of music, song, dance and art – creation’s desire to hear and be heard. It’s not a choice, it’s a gift. Let’s come and make a joyful noise!
Craig Taubman began his illustrious career at the tender of age of 15, when he picked up a guitar and began to lead music at Camp Ramah in Ojai, California. His eclectic musical styles, have made his recordings an integral part of the Jewish community. Craig’s top-selling releases include Friday Night Live, composed for a special Shabbat service held once a month at Sinai Temple with Rabbi David Wolpe in Los Angeles. His extensive musical catalog consists of over 50 recordings, featuring everything from the new Celebrate Jewish Lullabies, to Rock n Toontown, featuring backup vocals with Minnie and Mickey!
Craig’s songs bridge traditional Jewish themes and ancient teachings with passages and experiences of contemporary Jewish life. He speaks a language that is both comfortable and acceptable to children and adults. His Jewish recordings are an integral part of the community, weaving song and spirit into the fabric of Jewish life. Most Recently, Craig has been focusing his energies on building the Pico Union Project. ( This multi-faith cultural arts center located downtown Los Angeles – in the oldest synagogue in Southern California, is dedicated to the Jewish principle to “love you neighbor as yourself”.
Stream Chaverai Nevarech Vol. II wherever you find your music by clicking here!